Muslim Boy Names Starting with Z

Muslim Boy Names Starting with Z

ZutiName of the grandfather of Imam Abu Hanifah
ZushimalainName of a Sahabi RA.
Zunnoon‘Lord of the fish’, an epithet of Prophet Yunus i.e. Jonah who was swallowed by a big fish and later rescued by the grace of Allah.
Zulqarnain“Owner of the two horns” i.e. world conqueror, epithet of a just king mentioned in the Quran.
ZulfiHandle of a sword.
ZulfatFriendship, nearness, status.
ZulfaqarThe cleaver of vertebrae. Name of a sword presented to Ali (R.A.) by Muhammad.
ZulaymIbn-Hutayt was a narrator of Hadith with this name.
Zul KiflA Prophet of Allah.
Zukaur RahmanSun of Rahman i.e. Allah.
ZukaullahSun of Allah.
ZukauddinSun of the religion (Islam).
ZuhoorFame, splendour, emergence.
ZuhairSmall flower.
ZufarLion, a brave person, an army.
ZubairDiminutive of Zubrah, small piece of iron, a brave and wise person.
ZubaidThe diminutive of zubd, meaning cream, butter etc..

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